Gum Contouring - An Easy Way to a Beautiful Smile

Smiling uplifts a person’s emotional state and triggers happiness in our minds. However, if the gums’ structure is improper, people often hesitate to smile publicly. If a person has a gummy smile, one may not even like to watch it in front of the mirrors.

Therefore, contouring of gums is essential in rebuilding confidence in such individuals. Furthermore, it involves reshaping the gums and teeth to get rid of the gummy smile.


What is Gum Contouring?

The word contour means an outline depicting the boundary of something. Thus, gum contouring refers to altering the outline of one’s gums, according to the person’s face. In medical terms, it is also known as gingival sculpting. Gum contouring is the solution to getting rid of a gummy smile, i.e., the smile that shows more gum areas than the person wants.

In this process, the professionals first determine the outline of the desirable gum line. This outline is then carved onto the gum tissues. After trimming the excess bones, the experts lift and stitch the gum tissues to the new height. The upliftment of gums leads to the additional length of the teeth. Thus, the final part of gum contouring is to adjust the teeth length by using porcelain crowns.


What is the Average Cost of Gum Contouring?

The average cost can vary from $1,200 to $3,000 per the involved gum line area. The price may vary from one clinic to that of others. It also depends on the material used for the same.


Does Gum Contouring Hurt?

The procedure is done with local anesthesia and thus not felt. However, the expert professionals at the Confident Smile Studio shall guide you completely regarding the process.


The Concluding Thoughts

If you are unhappy with the smile you have had since birth, you can consider contouring your gums and changing how you appear to yourself and others. A good and pleasant smile goes a long way in building confidence.  You can visit the experts of Confident Smile Studio if you are looking for quality Gum Contouring services at an affordable fee. Meet the experts today.


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